Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Back from the edge of time, stripped to the bone

In the unlikely case that anyone floating out there in cyberspace actually reads this thing, I apologize. Sorry sorry sorry sorry!

We are all muchos sorry for having gone into hibernation, but you see, we feel guilty about not revising intensely for our exams if we spend time writing on this blog.

Its easier to pretend there's no reason to be guilty if one sits with all their revision notes in front of them and watches glee instead. I mean, we're technically revising. Y'know, when the video pauses and has to buffer. I reckon its smart. Multitasking, comprendre?

Besides, typing too much is potentially health threatening nowadays. Writing for two hours straight, frantically, like a madman, doesn't really go down well with wrists, or fingers. Or your brain. Literally, my fingers will be nothing but spindly little bones after this whole GCSE parade.

Well, promiseeee we'll post more after exams, though I wish you wouldn't actually hold us to our word... Keeping it can be slightly problematic for people who are lazy, scatterbrained, and easily distracted. But then, I can only speak for myself.
