Monday, May 17, 2010

Early hours of the morning :)

It is 1:30 am and i'm so tired i just want to sleep.

but this blog was JUST made so i'm up simply because it fascinates me :)

i'll be surprised if someone actually spends their time reading this, i mean, i'm just posting things on so i can look back at this in a few years time and think "wow, did i actually write that?!"

anyways, seeing as i've misplaced my key to my diary i'll just write out my feelings here:
dear whatever,
i just got screamed at by my mum today for being mean to her, she says my presence in the house is killing her and that she cant wait till i leave, i'm being sent away to boarding school in a few months so in other words, i'm being kicked out :)

every hour or so i get panic attacks because exams are stressing me out so much, the amount of revision i did today was so shit i would laugh if i weren't so busy crying. the only good thing about failing is that the boarding school would no longer accept me, but then i would have to do IB or BTECH and thinking about either one stresses me out more.

however i look at it i feel like i'm at a dead end, so i'm thanking all those who are there for me when i feel like i'm about to break down and jump off IFC, you make my day and because of you i feel sane and normal :):)

..i was talking about you the way...if you didn't know...:) love you loads!

now that i've spilled my feelings of the day i really do have to stay anonymous now dont i...:/

sleeping now, or i'll be cranky as shit tomorrow.
night night :) S

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