Monday, May 17, 2010

Procrastinating. Obviously.

As I'm feeling creative I decided to make this blog a little creative. Also it's the only thing keeping me from slitting my wrists or paying someone to take my exams for me.

Actually, you know what? I've spent an hour of my life trying to get the picture of myself procrastinating onto this blogpost and it ends now. No creativity today, my dears.

But in any case, let me demonstrate what study leave does to the lazy:

Day one:
Me: "Yeah mum, I'm just looking something up on the computer"

Facebook. I blame you entirely for my future results in science.

Day two:
Slept all day

Day three:
Argued with my mother and made about three notes before sleeping again.

Day four:
I dont even remember day four.

Day five:
Saw about every FashionTV youtube video and died a little inside.

Day six:
An amazing day :)

Day seven:
English lit exam. Something about monkeys and I looked at this long passage talking about orang-utans, the scariest muthafucking animals to ever scar my childhood (long story, NOT TROLLING ORANG-UTANS, KAY?)

Day eight: Got really really sick. Took a bunch of pills and now I'm all better :)

Day nine: Well that would be today, wouldn't it.

A hellish week EXCEPT DAY SIX

The day I'm no longer single.
You dont know me, but I'm notoriously single and suddenly I now have the sweetest guy at my side.
Go figure.

I've got putting off studying to do, so my next cynical sweetspot of complaints you will have to wait for :)


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