Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I have to know; If you'll float away with me.

It's been less than a day but I had to update.

For no reason.

I haven't a thing to say.

Does anyone actually read this?

S had an amazing idea with the quotes, but she missed my ultimate favourite by Coco Chanel:
"Jump out the window if you are the object of passion. Flee it if you feel it. Passion goes, boredom remains."


I also love her one of "Look for the woman in the dress. If there is no woman, there is no dress."

Thats right, I'm going to break down your horoscope for you.
I dont quite believe in horoscopes, so this should be interesting.
These are interpretations from what I found on the internet. For goodness sake, don't do anything stupid based on these horoscopes. Please? :)

Aries: In short, Aries, try not to fuck up your personal life today, nothing good will happen if you do (duh). Find balance, blahblahblah.

Taurus: Mix it up a bit today, don't be boring, you're in a rut, get out of it :)
Suggestions: Dye your hair pink.

Gemini: Get ready for the PMS or MPMS (Man PMS) of your life. I suggest solitary confinement, so you don't kill anyone. Its an emotional day for you, Gemini.

Cancer: You're a bit out of it today, so wake yourself up. I'm not sure if this is some metaphor for waking up to yourself, and some kind of spiritual self-realisation, but interpret as you will. I'm not going to look too far into it.

Leo: Sup lion. Okay, todays apparently a day for change for you. Feng shui? Uhmm, try doing something or going somewhere that you've never gone before. You're feeling a little cluttered, so maybe do some spring cleaning and finally throw away the salami you left in the fridge and told yourself you were going to eat, though you're still putting it off and now the rest of the fridge isn't smelling so good.

Virgo: Stop being such a fucking princess. I'm kidding :) Virgos and me just don't get along. Anyhoo, you've pretty much reached a low point, so it only get better from here, hoorah. Try counting backwards from ten, and stress less, princess :)

Libra: Screw what people told you about everything. Don't listen to another word, they're just indoctrinating little elves. Hang in there, and be strong, because some idiots going to try to change you, so my advice is to roundhouse kick them in the face. Good luck, mate.

Scorpio: Jump out of your comfort zone today and run a muck, because life is too short to be good.

Sagittarius: They say you learn something new every day. They lied. Get on out there and get smart, kay? It looks like today is a day of open-mindedness and wisdom and shit, so learn as much as you can, and retain it :)

Capricorn: You've just gotten over something big, good or bad. You need time to recover so drop all your plans today, or bring all your plans with you to the beach.

Aquarius: Today your purpose is to shut out the normalities and go bungeejumping. (Seriously, do it. The gods command you.)

Pisces: WOAH YOU'RE HAVING A FULL ON EGO TRIP TODAY. Just chill out and remind yourself that you're not gods gift to the world, and maybe you'll make a new friend today :)

Yeah thats it for me. Not doing that everyday, you guys are just lucky :) :)


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